Monday, 19 August 2013

A Destructive Masterpiece

It has been a while since i last did an entry for this and in that time i have started many times but decided to stop and delete the work i had done. I do not write any old thing that i think of but instead i write what i believe i should and take time mulling over each entry before i write it and this is why many entries i come up with will be deleted in the early stages of them coming together. However this one has made the cut.

I recently had the blessing to attend a very good friend of mine's wedding. And although this in and of itself is not majorly dramatic a multitude of things happened that day that has saprked the reflective part of my brain into some serious action.

For those of you who may not know, i have just completed a 3 year degree in Applied Theology and those 3 years have been a mixture of a sledgehammer and a chisel to the masterpiece known as 'My Life'. Before i started i did one of those things that as a Christian you are always told to be careful when doing so and i honstly and earnestly prayed that my foundations would be destroyed and rebuilt into something unmovable. I now see why people are warned about doing such things. Those 3 years have featured one of the worst years of my life followed by two of the best and the journey that i travelled on very much screamed of demolition before the building could take place. God took me on a journey with whch the destruction phase reached a climax when i got to point when i had to get over myself, and for anyone who hasn't done so, i would recommend doing it; because going through an experience that makes you is far from enjoyable. But i did go through one and i believe i am now over myself. This then enabled the rebuilding process to begin. I had stopped trying to add what i wanted to the creation that i was but rather i had submitted the tools over to The Creator. Those who know me will know of some of the changes that have taken place over those years and those who don't here are some examples which were highlighted at this wedding i was fortunate enough to go to:

1) I did one of the readings in the service (Song of Songs 2:8-17). Again to many this would not seem like a big thing but to me it highlighted how i have been able to find a way of becoming comfortable infront of others and, especially if you read the passage, how comfortable i could be reading that passage infront of btoh friends and starngers. Doing the reading also symbolised something else, which i value even more than the self-confidence infront of others; it symbolised a friendship whch was why i was asked to do it. A brummie (even if far from your stereotypical one) doing a reading at a wedding full of well spoken and well educated people. It truly was a privilidge to do so.

2) Not being freaked out about being split up from the people i knew. The bride and groom had decided to split up all the different groups of people for the seating plan for the reception which meant that on my table of 9 (including myself) i knew 2 others and even they were sat away from me. A few years ago this was have freaked me out and led me to an evening of silence, however that timid young boy has grown into a man and i accepted the challenge and embraced it and decided to learn about the fascinating lives that the random strangers sat next to me lived. I often find there are few things more fascinating than learning about people from different backgrounds and different walks of life. I greatly enjoy hearing about people talking about themselves and what makes them them.

3) Finally, I was able to just sit there and enjoy the moment. I did not want to over analyse everything, i did not want to think about the issues of life. Instead i was able to put them on hold and enjoy 2 people God has brought together embark on a journey of unification and glorifying Him.

So there we go. Just a small sample of how my life has been a transformation over the last few years, but understand i am under no illusions and this masterpiece is by no means complete, infact i may get a couple years down the line and ask for the foundations to be destroyed all over again and strengthened. For any of you who are interested in what is next for me now i have finished my degree feel free to contact me to ask about it or how you could support me in the exciting next step. I appreciate all the time you have all taken to read this and hope that something form the above has spoken to you, encouraged you or challenged you.
Just live life flat out. Don't be afraid of messing up and needing to start over. Don't be afraid of getting over yourself and the challenges that brings. And don't be afraid to dream big when thinking about what the future could hold for you.

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