Monday 5 November 2012

Oh What A Beautiful Morning

I am meant to be currently writing my essay on the inherent contradictions found in church based youth and community work but i just cannot do so. You know when you have had those days when God has just continued to come through for you in amazing ways well i am coming off of a weekend of days like that. Today and Yesterday have been an unbelievable roller coaster of emotions which has left me praising God and thanking Him that i am not living this life by myself.

I have so frequently sold God short, only giving him part of the glory or only thanking him for part of what he has done. But i am giving him all the glory for these last two days. I cannot sit here and write an essay when all i feel like do is proclaiming how incredible God is. I love days like this.

I look outside to see a blue sky but with a frosty bite in the air and reminisce about the sunset i saw yesterday after going for a wonderful stroll through a beautiful are. The colours in the sky were majestic. The reds the yellows the blues, it was a thing of beauty. And thinking back to Halloween and going on a prayer walk adn standing at the bottom of the drive to College and seeing the night sky but seeing all the different colours that form it, not just your blacks, but your blues and even a hint of red and purple. I stood with my heart praising the beauty that surrounds us everyday of the year. I love this time of year as i get to see nature at its finest.

In my quiet times i have been re-reading the book of Job and some of the passages and speeches that exist in that book just fuel the fire in my heart. The appreciation of just how big God is becomes so apparent as you read through the countless exchanges. I can just picture the conversations bouncing back and forth between them just infront of me. The scriptures truly coming alive.

My life may still have many questions hanging over it but if that is what it takes to have days like this then i would not change any of it.

I leave you with these words from C.S.Lewis:

'I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else' 

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