Monday, 24 September 2012

Scattered Thoughts

When i decided to start doing a blog, and when i decided to pick it up again i never imagined so many people would be interested in what i was writing. I am blown away that it has been read by people in 7 different Countries and 3 different Continents. I could never imagine that the thoughts of a simple Theology student could travel so far. So Thank You for reading my ramblings and thoughts you have contributed to me a glorious revelation.

But on with this entry. I write this exhausted. Nearly falling asleep with each press of a key, it has been one of those weeks. 10 days ago i was in America and since then i have suceeded at breaking my finger, packing for my final year as a Theology Student and going on a Weekend Away with one of the most inspiring groups of people i have ever met, been back to hospital for a check up and moved into Uni complete with the unpacking. WOW! What a 10 days.

If you have ever broken your middle finger on your writing hand then you will understand the challenges that you face in daily life. Something as simple as brushing your teeth becomes awkward and takes longer than usual. Your time keeping skills get stretched as the jobs that took 5 minutes to do are now taking 10, and if you are like me you watch getting increasingly agitated as you see people playing a sport which you cannot join in with. But because of these challenges you realise how much you have taken for granted the function of this one finger. How important it is to so many aspects of life. You just don't realise it until you are without it. This has been a fitting realisation for me as i start my final year, as i reflect on the 2 years that have got me to this point. I am a guy who likes to keep things that means something to them, and as i was unpacking today i looked through some of my Birthday cards from last year and a few other bits a pieces from my 2 years studying. And by looking back you realise how easy it is to take things for granted, and in particular people. I spend most of the year surrounded by some of the most amazing and inspiring people you could meet but it took me over a year and a half to realise that. It is just so easy to do in life.

Over the weekend away i went on i had a revelation and that was that i was taking my faith for granted. I was learning a whole load of thing s with regards to what i should be doing etc. but my heart had gone from it and the motivation was not there. But by finding myself heavily restricted in what i could do i found myself learning about serving, i engaged with the heart of serving and experienced what i have seen many times in others. I found myself longing to do jobs to free up others or do things that don't require me to majorly go out of my way but helps the next person. Something as simple as holding a door open for people and waiting until everyone had gone through before going through myself. It is something i frequently do but this time during the weekend away i enjoyed doing it. I realised that being a true servant is not by necessarily doing the jobs that need doing but instead it is by finding a way to enjoy doing those jobs. It would not surprise me if Jesus enjoyed washing His Disciples' feet.

I know my thoughts are a bit over the place but i want to challenge you to think about what and who you are taking advantage of and how can you rectify this. I have found sometimes a simple card or even a hand written letter (shocking in the age of texting and facebbok i know) can make a huge difference. And also how do you serbe like we have been taught to serve? Or more to the point, do you?

I hope to do my next entry later this week or next week and hopefully it will be less over the place. But i want to leave you with the message from Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for everything so don't dwell on the bad stuff but rejoice that this bad stuff is only for a season.

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