Thursday, 13 January 2011

God's Mission

I don't know why, but i feel like i'm being told to start a blog, to start a way to communicate and update others of the different chapters of my life or just any thoughts of note as they evolve. So here goes.

'Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.' Jeremiah 17 v 7

God's mission... it's a concept we as Christians think we understand and some of us might. But how important is God's mission to you? Do you sit around on a day to day basis stressing about relationships, money, success and any other personal issues you have? Or do you sit around and stress about what can I do to help God's mission? Is God's mission not far greater then any worries or opposition we may face?

Today I heard a great quote from John Piper: 'Mission exists where worship doesn't' this really hit the nail on the nead for me. If there are still people who aren't worshiping God, then we still have a job to do. And i'm sure you'll agree that there are many places today in which people aren't worshiping God, we need not look further then the road we live on to find some normally. So why dwell on ourselves and be inwardly focused when we are called to be outwardly focused. In the Great Commission we are told to GO, yet we still decide to stay and try to sort out our own issues. But don't you think that by going out and doing the mission God has given us that the issues we face and the struggles we have might be dealt with along the way as we learn to fully rely on God and trust in his strength and not our own. Don't get me wrong, i am not saying run away from all your issues whenever you face them, and i am not saying you can never settle down anywhere. What i am saying, is have a look around where you are, are there people who aren't worshiping God? If there are, what are you going to do about it?

Now I am not some super spiritual Guru who knows all the answers, but i am a guy who is fed up with society passing the buck and claiming that everything is all good, when in fact we are just ignoring God's mission he has given us. Let us unite together as the one body that we are and accept God's mission to take worship to wherever there isn't any be that, your work, your school or even your street. Take a look around and let's start bringing light to this world as this is not mission impossible, as through God all things are possible.